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New from Volkovskaya beer

By Saturday November 14th, 2015 No Comments

Volkovskaya beer is a dream come true of one of the most innovative and revolutionary brewers of Russia.

This craft brewery has been created to produce limited editions of unique tastes favoured by the brewer himself and a big group of his followers. The chosen approach is still very unique in the Eastern European countries.

Wolf is the main hero of this series, which comes from the name of the brewery. While developing the brand, the goal was to create a one of a kind, innovative, yet trustworthy and masculine presentation, depicting the character of the brewer himself and combining the humour, fun and craftsmanship that he uses in his work.

The Wolf “tells” about each of the tastes using stories or symbols well-known in the Eastern European countries and the rest of the world. Besides the more common sorts, like IPA and APA, uncommon names were developed for unique brews, such as Nepravil’nii med (Unusual honey) and Port Arthur (Porter), etc.

More new revolutionary tastes and brand names are being constantly worked on in order to continue to surprise its loyal fans and beer experts.

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